Do not consider trivial if you experience bloody urine. That is probably due to health problems that may not be mild. To cope with blood urine, make sure that the blood urine medication used is in accordance with the cause of the bloody urine.
Blood urine is characterized by the discharge of urine that contains blood, causing the urine to look red like washing water or even brown. The possibility of this can be seen in plain view. But in some cases, blood urine can not be seen clearly because the blood content is only small. So it needs to be done urine analysis to make sure.
Possible Signs of Serious Health Disorders
In red urine resembles blood caused by consuming certain foods, such as beets and dragon fruit, or when you are taking special drugs such as rifampicin in patients with tuberculosis, then blood urine is not necessary. But, if blood urine is caused by certain medical conditions, then this possibility is a sign of a serious health disorder and needs to be treated immediately. Beware of urinating blood and accompanied by other symptoms such as pain during urination, nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, and pain in certain body parts such as back or stomach. This condition must be checked by a doctor immediately. However, blood urine medication can not be given haphazardly, because it must be adjusted to the cause of the blood urine experienced.Proper Blood Urinary Medications
Here are some blood urine medication that is adjusted to the cause:- Urine blood caused by urinary tract infections, drugs that may be given are antibiotics.
- Urine blood caused by prostate enlargement that occurs in men, the doctor will prescribe medication or provide recommendations for actions that can help overcome the prostate problem.
- Blood urine caused by kidney stones, which are small in size can be overcome by increasing drinking water. However, if the kidney stones are already large, they may require lithotrips or surgery.
- In blood urine caused by kidney disease glomerulonephritis, blood urine medication can be in the form of antibiotics, diuretic drugs, drugs controlling high blood pressure or dietary changes to maintain kidney performance, it might be recommended.
- Urine blood due to trauma or injury, needs to be checked first related to the type and severity of the wound. In severe cases surgery may need to be done.
- Blood urine due to bleeding disorders, specific drugs will be given according to the type of bleeding disorder that occurs.
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